Monday, May 31, 2010

Wrapping up May

May has been a busy month. Although, I'm not so sure there is such thing as a slow month after having a baby. Not that its a bad thing, there is just always something to do. It's not like you can take a day off from being a mom. :)

Our garden survived the flood that came a day after we planted. Yes we have some things coming up all over, and we aren't really sure which are weeds and which are veggies but overall it is looking fabulous! I have picked several radishes and some of the other plants are starting to flower which is a good sign! (More on the beauty of a radish later. So many things they are good for!)

The ants are (mostly) gone...for now. My mother-in-law brought some Terro Syrup and basically they eat it and take it back to their colony and they all die. It sounds cruel, but keeping a clean kitchen where I can cook for my family and friends is super important to me.

A lot of my friends have been asking me to share some of my money saving tips. There are places for this all over the internet; people who devote an entire blog to a specific ways to save money. I can't and don't want to compete with that. So I will share what I do and what I know from time to time, but I will also make reference of other resources for more specific, in depth information.

We visited a civil war battlefield today. There wasn't much to see, but being there really made me feel like I was connected to history. It's really interesting to be on the other side of the civil war and find out that it really didn't have much to do with what I was taught. I don't want to get into the politics, but it's amazing how moving several states south will change your perspective on things.

So basically in May I...witnessed a disaster in my own city that affected my neighbors and friends...killed several hundred ants...watched my garden grow...watched my baby roll around...chased her as she tried to grab everything she could find (even things I didn't see until they were in her hands)...started couponing...found out my next door neighbor is from close to where I grew up...went 3 nights in a row with no more than 2 hours of sleep per night (teething is tough)...visited a civil war battlefield...lost 4 lbs...made 2 fancy cakes...decided I might (not have a choice but to) start my own business...entertained my wonderful in-laws...watched the season finale of LOST...and well...I could go on, but I will spare you ;)

Hope your May was as full of blessings and surprises as mine!

1 comment:

Pamela said...

sounds like it was a good one!