Sunday, August 22, 2010

Baby Blues, New Goals, and 90 days

Having a baby has really taken a toll on me. My energy is lacking, even 10 months after having her and a lot of the projects I have started around the house have gone by the wayside. So, for the next 60-90 days, I've set some goals for myself.

Ready or not, tomorrow my husband and I start 90 days of eating super healthy and working out for 1 1/2 hours a day. We both weigh more than we ever have (not including my pregnancy) and it is time for a change. I lost all of my pregnancy weight within a month of having E, but right after that month was the holidays and well, we all know what happens around the holidays.

It's funny how I always thought I was "fat" and looking back at pictures, I can now objectively see that I was tiny. What I wouldn't give to weigh what I did when I thought I was large.

Now I find myself in a place I never thought I would be. My goal is to lose 25 pounds. I know for some that sounds like a lot and for others, that's a small number, but I figure if I put it down on my blog where people can see it, that gives me more motivation and accountability to push myself.

Aside from numbers, I want to be and feel healthier. It's amazing how much energy I lost after having E. I honestly still have not gotten a lot of it back and it concerns me. I'm hoping that by eating a well balanced, healthier diet and exercising, I will start to have more energy and feel better overall.

On the flip side, I have also set some other goals to complete projects by E's first birthday. I really hope I'm not the only one who has started a million projects and didn't finish half of them. (Some of which is due to cash flow, but most is due to little time/energy)

1. Finish painting E's closet and put back together.
2. Find more decorations and curtains for E's room. (Yes she is 10 months and no I have not finished her room. Terrible, I know)
3. Paint guest room.
4. Finish painting the kitchen/dining. (Started this one 6 months ago.)
5. Hire/have someone put in our microwave and fix the plumbing under the kitchen sink. (I've had only one side to the sink and 2 burners on my stove because we took down the hood only to find out it's connected to the house electric. That's been like that about 4 months)
6. Deep clean entire house. (Cabinets, closets, floor boards, reorganize kitchen cabinets,...)
7. Paint living room. (This is probably the biggest project because we have vaulted ceilings and will have to have scaffolding.)
8. Enlist Help.

Number 8 is tough for me and I've been in a position where I've had no choice but to ask for help lately. I'm blessed with a great church family and wonderful friends who have really stepped up to help. I truly do not know what I'd do without them. But truth be told, I am only one person. And all of this plus the day to day stuff, taking care of a baby, preparing meals differently, shopping with coupons for healthy food items,... It's going to be a lot, but with help and support, I think it can be done.

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