Monday, July 14, 2008

Back to it!

I joined Curves before Ben left for Iraq thinking it would be this wonderful experience where I would be motivated and in shape, plus lose a few pounds before he returned. The first 3 months were fabulous. I was dropping weight like crazy and toning up really fast. Then I started missing days. I was too tired or didn't feel like it... There is ALWAYS an excuse.

When I had my surgery, they did not charge me for a few months as the doc said I could not do physical activity. Hooray! A way out! Or so I thought. That time has officially expired and tomorrow I will begin working out at the Curves that is much closer to my new apartment. On top of that, crazy me signed up for the 7 a.m. slot knowing full well that if I do not go first thing in the morning, there will be more excuses.

Curves is one of the few exercise/diet program type deals that has worked for me. I drank lots of water, ate normal, and worked out at Curves and lost inches so fast! So I'm hoping and praying that it will work again. I don't hate my body but being in shape and losing some weight would be fabulous, especially with being in Stacie's wedding and having my wedding...

I'd also like some motivation...for anything, really. My current motivation level is almost as low as it could be with most aspects of my life.

The SCARY part is that I have to get weighed and measured tomorrow and its not going to be pretty. AT ALL!!!

I'll let you know how that goes... Well, not how much I weigh, but how the getting back in the grove of it part! ;)

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