Sunday, January 4, 2009

You MUST try this - Seventh Generation

I live in an apartment and let's just say the shower area is worn and a worn shower means more soap scum and all kinds of gross things that make their home in my shower. It makes me want to wear flip flops in my own shower! Yuck! I've tried varying products including bleach, baking soda, and tub cleaners. Nothing got the gunk off. NOTHING! I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed. 

So I'm at Walgreens yesterday and saw a product that was on sale for a dollar and nineteen cents. 1.19 for 32 FL oz of natural cleaning product. They had me. I bought a tile and tub and an all purpose cleaner. I wasn't convinced that it was going to do anything special for me but I thought it was worth a try and since I was out of cleaning product, a dollar nineteen sounded pretty good. 

This morning I sprayed my shower. I walked back 2-3 minutes later and started wiping my shower. All the gunk was loose and came off with little to no scrubbing. Then I thought to myself, "If it loosened junk I had spent months scrubbing, I wonder if it can get the stains from past residents out from in between the tiles?" And what do you know? The grout is white again. Years and years of stains...gone. 

I haven't tried the All-Purpose Cleaner yet, but I am SO tempted to go back to Walgreens and buy 10 more of each product because who can beat that price for something that actually works and won't harm me or my pets? 

It's free of perfumes and dyes, hypo-allergenic, and they tell you exactly what they put in their products. ALL the ingredients are listed on their labels. 

So go to Walgreens while its still on sale and try it!

P.S. If you join their site, there are coupons as well! 


Jon Dayton said...

We picked up on the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son a while back. Love it. That's what I call it for short because I like odd nicknames and Iron Maiden. Thought you could use a little dose of wierd today.

Pamela said...

The dish detergent. The dishwasher detergent. So fab.

I have been a method girl for a while now, but I recently sent them a customer service issue, and they have yet to respond, so I think I'm switching over to 7th.